Step 2: Customize

Customize by selecting the options that best fit your needs. As you make selections, the Order Summary on the right will update and reflect each choice – any upgrades that add additional cost to your order will also be reflected.

Select Size

Step 2: Customize

Oops! You forgot to select size. This step is required.

Custom Size*


Size can only have values between 0.5 squared inches and 12 squared inches

Select Base Material**

Real Leather

Split leather only


Plastic, dye-able fabric made to look like leather.

Faux Suede

Synthetic, dye-able microfiber made to look and feel like suede.


Select Quantity*

Custom Quantity

Original Price: $0.00
Additional 40% Off: $0.00 each

You must first select Size, Base Material, in order to set a custom quantity

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